Aldwin Callen offers the same high-quality investment ideas and analyses as larger brokerage firms, but with the personal attention associated with a smaller, more client-focused investment firm.
We provide each client with a dedicated Aldwin Callen senior financial advisor who will make investment recommendations, promptly respond to your needs, enquiries, and directives, and keep you informed about the performance of your account. Additionally, your wealth advisor may be able to assist you with the following services:
- Recent analysis and commentary on stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and options
- Private equity or capital markets opportunities
- Investments with a tax advantage
- Strategies for retirement planning
Because we are an independent brokerage firm, we are not tied to any fund family or investment bank. Our thoughts and proposals are product- and firm-neutral, and are tailored to each client's unique aims and interests.
However, we believe that providing excellent service includes more than just competent investment selection. As the last few years have proved, one of the key advantages of working with a full-service brokerage firm is having someone to lead you through market turbulence, supporting you in making sound investment decisions and avoiding disastrous ones. Aldwin Callen is a relationship-driven firm, not only about portfolios.
Please contact us to learn more about our brokerage services.
Our objective is to build long-term relationships through attentive service, as well as experience, insight, and market knowledge. We provide institutional investors with a strong understanding of the markets, in-depth securities research and analysis, and a track record of providing superior service.
Our experienced sales staff is comprised of industry experts with extensive experience conducting research and evaluating data. Through studies and suggestions, we provide our clients with fundamental and technical profiles of emerging companies in Taiwan, North America, and Europe.
Our traders are highly proficient at trading the patterns associated with the growth stocks in which we specialize. We focus only on specific industry sectors, which enables us to get a comprehensive grasp of the firms and their markets. We trade on all major exchanges and offer our institutional clients a comprehensive suite of algorithmic trading services.
Aldwin Callen's objective is to develop long-term connections through attentive care, expertise, insight, and industry knowledge. Kindly contact us if you require any information about our institutional services.